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Luxury Brands. Exceptional Prices. | 1-678-926-3117
Luxury Brands. Exceptional Prices. | 1-678-926-3117
August Tenth & Luxe is a premier online destination of luxury fashion for mature, discerning women who exhibit a sense of exclusive modern-day fashion and style while maintaining a sense of grace, elegance, sophistication and class. August Tenth & Luxe has a matchless collection of classic, high quality, authentic products and accessories from some of the most innovative and renowned designers in the fashion industry, from Dolce & Gabbana, Balenciaga, Prada, Balmain and Fendi as well as some other top rated Italian designers. August Tenth & Luxe has also included a signature collection of luxury accessories for good measure.
Our aim is to provide an all-encompassing experience which includes creating a customized approach to your vision of stylish fashion that denotes sophistication and class with hopes of building an enduring personal connection.
August Tenth & Luxe offers first in class customer service, fast shipping worldwide while providing a seamless shopping experience across mobile, tablet and desktop, with easy returns.
Discover August Tenth & Luxe – Be First In Class!